Areas of specialization include metaphysics, bioethics, philosophy of religion, philosophy of law and ethics, and philosophy of medicine.
Bioethics and the Philosophy of Medicine
Philosophy of Religion
- "Evaluating Hylomorphism as a Hybrid Account of Personal Identity" Quaestiones Disputatae Vol. 10, Issue 2, 2020.
- "Thinking Animals or Thinking Brains?" Acta Analytica. 36, 2021. 11-24
- "Identity Matters" The Continuum Companion to Metaphysics ed. Manson, N. and Barnard, R. Continuum International Group. 2010.
- "Do Dead Bodies Pose a Problem for Biological Approaches to Personal Identity?" Mind. 114:453, January 2005, 31-59.
- "Organisms and Their Bodies." Mind. 2009, 118:70. 803-809.
- "Four-Dimensional Animalism" Essays on Animalism Anthology eds. Paul Snowdon and Stephan Blatti. Oxford University Press. 2016.
- “Personal Identity and the Possibility of Autonomy.” with Adam Taylor. Dialectica. 2017, 71:2, 155-179.
- "Countering the Appeal of the Psychological Approach to Personal Identity." Philosophy. 79, 2004, pp. 445-472.
- "Persons as Proper Parts of Organisms." Theoria. 71:1, 2005, 29-37.
- "Who Doesn't Have a Problem of Too Many Thinkers?" American Philosophical Quarterly. 50:2, April 2013, 203-208.protecting-persons.docx
- "Shoemaker's Problem of Too Many Thinkers." Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association. 80, 2007, 225-36.
- "Problems with a Constitution Account of Persons." Dialogue. 48:2. 2009, 291-312.
- "Protecting Persons from Animal Bites: The Ontological Significance of Persons.” 2020, Philosophia 32:4, 2018, 430-436.
- "Lowe's Defense of Constitution and the Principle of Weak Extensionality." Ratio. 21:2, June 2008, 168-181.
- "The Memory Criterion and the Problem of Backward Causation." International Philosophical Quarterly. 47:2:186, June 2007, 181-85.
- "Soulless Organisms? Hylomorphism vs. Animalism." American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly, 2011.
- "A Hylomorphic Account of Thought Experiments Concerning Personal Identity." American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly, 82:3. 2008. 481-502.
- "Olson's Embryo Problem." Australasian Journal of Philosophy. 80:4, December 2002, 502-511.
- "Vague Existence Implies Vague Identity" Vague Objects and Vague Identity ed. Ken Akiba and Ali Abasnezhad, Springer. 2014.
- "The Thesis of Vague Objects and Unger's Problem of the Many." Philosophical Papers. 30:1, March 2001, 47-57.
- "Can There Be Spatially Coincident Entities of the Same Kind?" Canadian Journal of Philosophy. 31:1, March 2003, 1-22.
- "Scattered Artifacts." The Southern Journal of Philosophy. 40:2, 2002, 211-126.
- “Can We Survive our Deaths?” in a volume entitled “Exploring Death and Dying: Classical and Contemporary Perspectives." Forthcoming, 2019.
- “Why Transhumanists Can’t Survive the Death of Their Bodies.” Ethics, Medicine, and Public Health, Special Issue on Personhood and Science in the 21st Century, 10, July-September 102-110..
- Review of Personal Identity and Bioethics by Jason Eberl. American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly. 2022. 96:1, 143-46.
Bioethics and the Philosophy of Medicine
- “It is more difficult to Justify Abortion if Fetuses are Parts of their Mothers.” In Agency, Pregnancy and Persons: Essays in Defense of Life. 87-104
- “Abortion Analogies.” National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly. Autumn 2022. 650-654
- “An Alternative to the Rational Substance Pro-Life View.” Res Philosophica 2023. 100:4 pp. 515-538
- “The Abortion Pill: Killing or Letting Die?” Christian Bioethics. Special Issue on Christian perspectives on emerging reproductive technologies. Ed. Nicholas Colgrove. Forthcoming.
- "Abortion Pills: Killing or Letting Die " Christian Bioethics, 2021.
- "Is it Coherent to be Merely Personally Opposed to Abortion?" National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly, 20:3 Autumn, 2020. 463-485,
- "Do Division Puzzles Provide A Reason To Doubt That Your Organism Was Ever A Zygote?" Public Affairs Quarterly, 2020.
- “Why Psychological Accounts of Personal Identity Can Accept a Brain Death Criterion and Biological Definition of Death.” Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics. 2019. 40:5. 403–
- “Conscientious Objection or an Internal Morality of Medicine?” Christian Bioethics: Non-Ecumenical Studies in Medical Morality, 27: 1, April 2021, 104–12111.
- "Self-Ownership, Relational Dignity, and Organ Sales" Bioethics. 2018.
- "Health, Moral Status, and a Minimal Speciesism" Res Philosophica. 2018.
- “Pathocentric Medicine and a Moderate Internal Morality of Medicine” 2020 Journal of Medicine and Philosophy. 45: 1, 16–27..
- "The Death of a Person." The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 31:1. April 2006, 107-20.
- "The Problematic Role of 'Irreversibility' in the Definition of Death." Bioethics. 17:1, February 2003, 89-100.
- “Death, Persons, and Sparse Ontologies: The Problem of Too Many Dying Thinkers” American Philosophical Association Newsletter on Philosophy and Medicine. Forthcoming.
- "A More Palatable Epicureanism." American Philosophical Quarterly, 44:2, April 2007, 171-180.
- “A Naturalist Response to Kingma’s Critique of Naturalist Accounts of Disease” Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics. 41:2-3. 2020. 83-97.
- “Death, Dignity, and Moral Status” 2016 University Faculty for Life Annual Conference Proceedings. Ed Fr. Koterski. 2017, pp. 119-142.
- "Death, Dignity and Degradation." Public Affairs Quarterly, 21:1, 2007, 21-36.
- “The Potential of Potentiality Arguments” with Rose Hershenov in J. Eberl Ed. Contemporary Controversies in Catholic Bioethics. Springer Press. 2017 pp. 35-52
- "What Must Pro-Lifers Believe about the Moral Status of Embryos?" Pacific Philosophical Quarterly. Forthcoming, 2020.
- “If Abortion then Infanticide.” with Rose Hershenov. Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics. 2017, 38:5 pp 287-409.
- “Health, Interests, and Equality”. Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics. 2017, 38:5 417-419
- "Morally Relevant Potential" with Rose Hershenov. Journal of Medical Ethics. 2014.
- “Health, Harm and Potential” with Rose Hershenov. Southwest Philosophy Review, 32: 1 January 2016.
- "Abortions and Distortions: An Analysis of Morally Irrelevant Factors in Thomson's Violinist Thought Experiment." Social Theory and Practice. 27:1, January 2001, 129-148.
- “If a Fetus is a Part of the Mother’s Body, then Three Popular Abortion Defenses Fail on Purely Conceptual Grounds”. Life and Learning Conference Proceedings 2018. Forthcoming
- "Explaining the Psychological Appeal of Viability as a Cutoff Point." National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly. 6:4, Winter 2006, 681-686.
- "How a Hylomorphic Metaphysics Constrains the Abortion Debate." National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly. 5:4, 2005, 751-764.
- "Fission and Confusion." Christian Bioethics. 12:3, December 2006, 237-254.
- "Embryos, Four-Dimensionalism and Moral Status." Persons, Moral Worth and Embryos: A Critical Analysis of Pro-Choice Arguments from Philosophy, Law and Science ed. Steve Napier. Philadelphia: National Catholic Bioethics Center. 2011. 125-144.
- “How Not to Defend the Unborn” with Phil Reed, Journal of Medicine and Philosophy. 2021, 46:4, 414-4:30.
- “Dualism, Panpsychism, and the Moral Status of Brainless Embryos” with Adam Taylor. Ethics, Medicine and Public Health. Special Issue on Personal Identity and Bioethics. 2:4, 2016, 593– 601.
- "An Argument for Limited Human Cloning." Public Affairs Quarterly. 14:3, July 2000, 245-258. Reprinted in What's Wrong? Applied Ethicists and Their Critics, ed. Boonin, D. and Odie, G. Oxford University Press, 2004, 688-693.
- "Misunderstanding the Moral Equivalence of Killing and Letting Die." National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly, 8:2, Summer 2008, 239-245.
- "Why Consent May Not Be Needed For Organ Procurement." (with Jim Delaney). Target Article. American Journal of Bioethics. 9:8, 2009, 3-10.
- "Response to Seven Critics." (with Jim Delaney) American Journal of Bioethics. 9:8, 2009.
- "The Metaphysical Foundations for a More Liberal Organ Procurement Policy." (with Jim Delaney) Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics, Special Issue on Personal Identity and Bioethics. 2010.
- "Mandatory Autopsies and Organ Conscriptions" (with Jim Delaney) Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal. 19:4, 2009, 367-391.
- "Animals, Persons and Bioethics." Earlier versions published in The American Philosophical Association Newsletter on Philosophy and Medicine, 8:1, 2008, 8-11 and Proceedings of the Creighton Society: The Philosophical Association of New York. October 2008.
- "Perdure and Murder " American Philosophical Association Newsletter on Philosophy and Medicine 2011.
- Thomistic Principles and Bioethics by Jason Eberl. National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly, 8:1, Spring 2008, 191-194. (Book Review)
- Human Identity and Bioethics by David Degrazia National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly, 8:4, Winter 2008. (Book Review)
Philosophy of Religion
- “A Divine Alternative to Dean Zimmerman’s Emergent Dualism” 2023 TheoLogica: International Journal for Philosophy of Religion and Philosophical Theology 8:2
- “The Metaphysical Basis for a Christian Moral Objection to Inorganic Enhancements” Christian Bioethics. Forthcoming
- “The Fairness of Hell” - Ratio 32:3 pp. 215-223
- “Health as the Key to Fairness in a Divinely Determined World.” Religious Studies. 32:4, 2018, 430-436.
- "The Metaphysical Problem of Intermittent Existence and the Possibility of Resurrection." Faith and Philosophy. 20:1, January 2003, 24-36.
- "Van Inwagen, Zimmerman and the Materialist Conception of Resurrection." Religious Studies: An International Journal for the Philosophy of Religion. 38, December 2002, 451-469.
- “Purgatory” with Rose Hershenov. Eds Benjamin Matheson and Yujin Nagasana. Palgrave McMillan Handbook on the Afterlife. 2017, pp. 35-52
- "Personal Identity and Purgatory." Religious Stuidies: an International Journal of the Philosophy of Religion. 42, December 2006, 439-451.
- “Can Ordinary Materialists be Autonomous?” With Adam Taylor. Philosophia Christi. 2016 18:2 pp. 385-405
- "Split Brains: No Headache for Soul Theorists" with Adam Taylor. Religious Studies: An International Journal for the Philosophy of Religion 2014.
- “Anscombe on Embryos and Human Beings” in Anscombe and The Catholic Intellectual Tradition. Neumann Press. Eds. John Mizzoni, Philip Pegan, Geoffrey Karabin.. 2016. pp. 143-160.
- “Prussian Reproduction, Proper Function, and Infertile Marriages” Annals of Philosophy. Special Issue on Alex Pruss’s One Body: An Essay in Christian Sexual Ethics. with response by Pruss. 2015, 63:3, 128-141.
- Bodies and Souls, or Spirited Souls by Nancy Murphy Religious Studies, 43:2, June 2007, 237-242. (Book Review).
- “Restitution” Oxford Handbook of Punishment Theory and Philosophy. Oxford University Press. Forthcoming.
- "Restitution and Revenge." Journal of Philosophy. 96:2, February 1999, 79-94.
- "Restitution and Punishment." New Perspectives on the Ethics of Punishment. eds. Jesper Ryberg, Angelo Corlett Palmgrave. MacMillian Press. 2010. 33-51.
- "Why Must Punishment Be Unusual As Well As Cruel to Be Unconstitutional?" Public Affairs Quarterly. 16:1, January 2002, 77-98.
- "Punishing Attempted Crimes Less Severely than Successes." The Journal of Value Inquiry. 34:4, December 2000, 479-489.
- "A Puzzle about the Demands of Morality." Philosophical Studies. 107:3, February 2002, 275-290.
- "Two Epistemic Accounts for Deliberative Democracy." Polity: The Journal of the Northeastern Political Science Association. 37:2, April 2005, 216-234.
- “Identity and Freedom” with Adam Taylor. Journal of Cognition and Neuroethics 3:1. 2015.